The National RCP MATHEC is a multidisciplinary consultation meeting bringing together a range of specialists in autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases (internists, neurologists, rheumatologists, hematologists, etc.) in order to discuss the different therapeutic strategies available to patients with autoimmune diseases. The decision on the most appropriate treatment for patients suffering from autoimmune diseases is made collaboratively by this group of experts.

The presentation of a patient during a CPR is done via a form to be completed and returned to the email address indicated on the form. The patient forms that will be presented in CPR are then sent to all MATHEC participants so that each CPR participant can have all the information necessary for the multidisciplinary assessment of the case.

The national RCP MATHEC-SFGMTC takes place systematically on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2:30 p.m., according to the pre-established annual calendar here.

All healthcare professionals who are interested in attending this meeting are welcome.

Forms to download and complete a form for each patient case you wish to review at the RCP meeting. Please send us the Form 8 to 2 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. E-mail the form to, or FAX to, so that we can distribute it to all participants. Ms Unfer can be reached by telephone at
Patient with Systemic Sclerosis
Version of 26.10.2023
Patient with Multiple Sclerosis
Version of 26.10.2023
Patient with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Version of 26.10.2023
Patient with Crohn’s disease
Version of 26.10.2023
Patient with an other Auto-Immune Disease
Version of 26.10.2023
Téléphone dial-in
Participants :
1. Dial the number that was sent to you by email for the day of the RCP.
2. To use the Visio webconferencing, please follow the LifeSize powerpoint tutorial provided here.
3. For technical difficulties, please contact Mme Melissa Esteves (

Annuel calendar of RCP meetings

Download a PDF of the 2022-2023 RCP meeting calendar

Version of 17.11.2023