The different members of MATHEC , the “AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASES AND CELLULAR THERAPY” network (physicians, pharmacists, paramedical staff, biologists, researchers, patients) work together to develop the use of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and innovative cellular therapies, aiming to improve treatment of patients with non-malignant autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases (ADs).
The MATHEC: Maladies Auto-immunes et Thérapie Cellulaire (Autoimmune Diseases and Cell Therapy) platform, located at Hôpital Saint-Louis (UF04, Pr Farge), is labelled “Centre de Référence des Maladies Auto-immunes Systémiques Rares d’Ile-de-France (site constitutif), Filière FAI2R” (Bulletin Officiel) since November 2017 and has been relabeled (Bulletin Officiel Décembre 2023) since December 2023.
The “MATHEC” national and international network , was set-up over the last 15 year to foster collaboration between the different experts on each autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases type and the hematologists and cell therapists, working in accredited centers for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The “Auto-immune Diseases and Cell Therapy “MATHEC” working group of the SFGM-TC” (point 10; SFGM-TC by-laws ) brings together the SFGM-TC members who have interest in autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or other innovative cell MSC, CART, Treg, IPSc) therapies.
MATHEC International (I-MATHEC) is a not for-profit association (under the French law of July 1, 1901) in France and abroad, aiming to:
- Improve the care of patient with autoimmune diseases and other hematologic disorders through teaching, evaluation and research activities on hematopoietic stem cell or cord transplantations, or use of other cellular and/or gene therapies for these diseases;
- develop scientific knowledge on the subjects mentioned above;
- favor the development of different approaches using cell and/or gene therapies (CGT);
- communicate any work related to MATHEC activities.
In compliance with the French National Plan for Rare Diseases (PNMR, the MATHEC members are committed to the proper use of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and of other innovative cell therapies for patients with autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases. They work in accredited centers for marrow allograft and for innovative cell therapies to promote excellence in patient care and knowledge, , by contributing in France and internationally to:
- Develop updated information for patients to facilitate access to routine care and therapeutic innovations;
- Develop Good Clinical Practice (GCP) procedures and care protocols around stem cell therapy for autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases, which are validated by members of the scientific council of the SFGM-TC. These protocols, which comply with European standards, are established in partnership with health authorities in France (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Medical Devices, BioMedicine Agency) and the other relevant Societies and Academic Research Groups specializing in the different autoimmune diseases;
- Design and carry out clinical and translational research;
- Facilitate the dissemination of standardized clinical protocols, information, and training of health care professional via the website, which is freely accessible to all;
- Establish a common clinical and biological MATHEC-SFGMT registry, in partnership with the EBMT European Autoimmune Disease Working Group (ADWP EBMT).