- PNDS Greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques dans les maladies auto-immunes – Septembre 2022
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies for Autoimmune Diseases
- ISCT 2022, San Francisco
- Journée MATHEC 2023
- The Use of Cell Therapies for Autoimmune Diseases: MSCs from Biology to Clinical Application - ISCT 2024
- Par les patients, pour les patients
FALL 2023 VACCINATION CAMPAIGN AGAINST COVID-19 (Décision n°2023-17 du 15 septembre 2023 du collège de la HAS).
Since October 17th 2023, the French High Authority for Health (HAS) agency recommends a COVID-19 ‘vaccine booster’ shot for those patients with high risk of severe form of COVID-19, as part of a shared medical decision between the medical staff and their relatives for several categories of people , such immunosuppressed subjects.
Immunosuppressed patients are eligible 3 months after their last COVID-19 infection or last boost of COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 and flue both will be performed concomitantly. If the two vaccines are not performed the same day , there is no specific interval to respect between the two vaccinations, as recommended by HAS.
As for the vaccination against seasonal flue, which is updated yearly in order to target the strains most susceptible to circulate in winter, the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 includes vaccines that are adapted to the majority of circulating variants (Omicron XBB) :
• Comirnaty® Omicron XBB.1.5 30µg/dose (ARNm Pfizer-BioNTech) for injection (grey cap) – Adult form (12 y.o and more)
•VidPrevtyn® Bêta (Sanofi) will always be available, as ARNm alternative, until the adapted vaccine Nuvaxovid® XBB.1.5 (Novavax) released on November 2023 (if a maketing authorization is delivered).
1/ rapidly contact the hospital unit where you are being followed-up and your referring physician
2/ perform your vaccines injections against COVID-19 and flue and, if you are in contact with a person infected by COVID-19 or if you are infected yourself, to be aware of the conduct you must have in your specific case.