Cancer as a long term complicATion of reCipients of autologous Hematopoietic stem Cell trasnplatation for Autoimmune disease iNdiCation trEated in FRance and Canada

Retrospective descriptive analysis of cancers observed in patients treated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for an autoimmune disease – CATCH CANCER

Health Data Hub declaration number: to come

Data controller : Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris

Coordinating Investigator : Pr Dominique Farge (Paris Saint-Louis)
Principal investigators in France : Pr Mathieu Puyade (CHU Poitiers), Pr Dominique Farge (Paris Saint-Louis),
Principal investigators in Canada : Pr Harry Atkins (Ottawa), Pr Jan Storek (Calgary)

Relevant patients in France: Patients treated by autologous hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) between 01/01/2000 and 31/12/2022 for their autoimmune disease, with medical follow-up in France, and having signed an informed consent for the collection of their medical data in the MATHEC registry and the use of these data for research purposes.
Research objective : This research involves the analysis of health data already collected as part of the routine care of autoimmune disease patients treated with autologous HSC. These data have already been collected in the MATHEC-SFGM-TC registry as well as in the respective Ottawa and Calgary databases, with the written consent of the relevant patients. The aim of this retrospective data analysis is to assess the incidence of cancer occurrence in patients with autoimmune disease treated with HSC autotransplantation, up to a 20-year follow-up maximum.
To answer the research question, it is planned to analyze data from 200 patients included in the MATHEC-SFGM-TC registry, 225 patients followed in Ottawa (Canada) and 50 patients followed in Calgary (Canada).

Information for patients included in the study in France: In accordance with the informed consent previously signed by each patient, their agreement has been obtained for the use of their data for research purposes.
Right for opposition:
Patients may contact the study’s coordinating investigator or his team to exercise their right to object to this study:
– By email at the following address:
– By telephone at +33 (0)142385093
– By post at the following address: Unité de Médecine Interne (UF 04): CRMR MATHEC, Maladies Auto-immunes et Thérapie Cellulaire, Hôpital Saint-Louis, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France.

Should you encounter any difficulties in exercising your rights, please contact the AP-HP Data Protection Officer at the following address: